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No, because every other even number besides 2 is composite and odd numbers are never adjacent.

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Q: What are the other pairs of adjacent primes than two and three?
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What are other pairs of adjacent primes than two and three?

That's the only pair.

Does a rhombus have two pairs of congruent adjacent sides?

No, it has four pairs. If the sides are labelled a, b, c and d, the four adjacent pairs are ab, bc, cd and da. The fourth can be derived from the other three. However, two pairs is not enough for a rhombus. A kite, for example, has two pairs of congruent adjacent sides: ab and cd.

Does a rhombus have two pairs of congruent sides?

No, it has four pairs. If the sides are labelled a, b, c and d, the four adjacent pairs are ab, bc, cd and da. The fourth can be derived from the other three. However, two pairs is not enough for a rhombus. A kite, for example, has two pairs of congruent adjacent sides: ab and cd.

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There are not three odd primes with the sum of 14. The sum of three odd primes will be an odd number.

Are all numbers between twin primes divisible by six?

Yes, all primes over three are either of the form 6n - 1 or 6n + 1. So the only way for them to be prime pairs is for one to be of the same n, one -1 and the other +1; so the number between them is always of the form 6n, and thus always divisible by six.

Can a product of primes be split into sum of three products of primes?

Sure. All composite numbers can be written as a product of primes. It shouldn't be tough to find a composite number that's the sum of three other composite numbers. Let's try 30. 2 x 3 x 5 = 30 Product of primes, check. 6 (2 x 3) + 10 (2 x 5) + 14 (2 x 7) = 30 Sum of three products of primes, check.

What are three odd primes with sum of 30?

This question cannot be answered because three odd primes always have an odd number for their sum.

Can there be three primes that are consecutive natural numbers?


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What is the smallest natural number that has three prime numbers in its factorization?

8 has three primes (2x2x2) in its factorization, and 30 is the smallest number having three different primes (2x3x5) in its factorization.

What is the least positive number that is divisible by three different primes?

30, which is the smallest positive integer divisible by the first three primes: 2, 3 and 5.