

What are three consecutive numbers that add up to 51?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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16, 17, and 18

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Q: What are three consecutive numbers that add up to 51?
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First find the number which is 1/3 of 51. This is 17. Thus any three numbers which average 17 will always add up to 51. For the numbers to be consecutive and have an average of 17, the middle number must be 17 and the two remaining numbers are 17-1 and 17+1 ie 16 and 18. So the three consecutive numbers are 16, 17 and 18.

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The average of the numbers 51, 52, and 56 is 53. To get the average you would add all three numbers and then divide by three.

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Let's assume the first odd number is x. Then the next two consecutive odd numbers would be x + 2 and x + 4. The product of these three numbers is x(x + 2)(x + 4) = 29667. By trial and error, we find that x = 51 satisfies this equation. Therefore, the three consecutive odd numbers are 51, 53, and 55.

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The numbers are 51 and 52.

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If the numbers are consecutive then the middle number must be one-third of 51. The numbers are thus 16, 17 and 18.