Ordinals are for ordering...first, second, third. Cardinals are for counting...1,2,3
No. The empty set has cardinal number 0. {ø } has cardinal number 1.
The main cardinal number for 7 is 7, but 1 is also a cardinal number for 7 in this case.
Cardinal. 5th would the be corresponding ordinal number.A cardinal number.
The cardinal number is 9
'Fifth' is the ordinal number of the cardinal number 5.
It is n^30 where n is the cardinal number.
7 is cardinal. '7th' is the ordinal form of 7.
The number 5 is cardinal. The ordinal form would be 5th
116 is already a cardinal number - perhaps you are looking for the ordinal number, which is one hundred and sixteenth.
Count the number of distinct elements in the set.
'Five' is cardinal, 'fifth' is ordinal.
50 is a cardinal number. The ordinal form of 50 is 50th or fiftieth.