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U1 = 27

U{n+1} = U{n} - 3

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Q: What is a recursive rule for the following arithmetic sequence 27 24 21 18 15?
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Related questions

What is the difference between an arithmetic series and an arithmetic sequence?

An arithmetic sequence is a list of numbers which follow a rule. A series is the sum of a sequence of numbers.

What is the difference between an explicit rule and a recursive rule?

An explicit rule defines the terms of a sequence in terms of some independent parameter. A recursive rule defines them in relation to values of the variable at some earlier stage(s) in the sequence.

Do grapes come under Fibonacci sequence?

No. Grapes have nothing to do with a recursive series of numbers following the rule that any number is the sum of the previous two.

Rule to finding terms in a arithmetic sequence?

The nth term of an arithmetic sequence = a + [(n - 1) X d]

What is the Th term of the arithmetic sequence given by the explicit rule?

The answer depends on what the explicit rule is!

A sequence of numbers that follows a rule is a what?

It is a sequence of numbers. That is all. The sequence could be arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, exponential or be defined by a rule that does not fit into any of these categories. It could even be random.

What is the definition of arithmetic sequence?

An arithmetic sequence is a group or sequence of numbers where, except for the first number, each of the subsequent number is determined by the same rule or set of rules. * * * * * The above answer is incorrect. The rule can only be additive: it cannot be multiplicative or anything else.

Recursive rule for the Fibonacci sequence?

x1=0 x2=1 for i > 2, xi= xi-1 + xi-2

Which rule will find the nth term of the arithmetic sequence -58 -65 -72 -86?

It appears that a number of -79 is missing in the sequence and so if you meant -58 -65 -72 -79 -86 then the nth term is -7n-51 which makes 6th term in the sequence -93

What are mathamatical patterns?

Mathematical patterns are lists number that follows a certain rule and have different types. Some of these are: Arithmetic sequence, Fibonacci sequence and Geometric sequence.

What is recursive rule?

A recursive rule is one which can be applied over and over again to its own output

How is a arithmetic sequence found?

You take the difference between the second and first numbers.Then take the difference between the third and second numbers. If that difference is not the same then it is not an arithmetic sequence, otherwise it could be.Take the difference between the fourth and third second numbers. If that difference is not the same then it is not an arithmetic sequence, otherwise it could be.Keep checking until you think the differences are all the same.That being the case it is an arithmetic sequence.If you have a position to value rule that is linear then it is an arithmetic sequence.