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Splitting it into a half

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Q: What is meant by bisecting the area of a quadrilateral?
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What are all the names of all the quadrilateral with pictures?

Rectangle: A quadrilateral with 4 right angles, diagonals congruent/bisecting, and opposite sides congruent, BUT ADJACENT SIDES ARE NOT CONGRUENT. Rhobus: A quadrilateral with opposite congruent angles, but adjacent angles are Not congruent, perpendicular bisecting diagonals and 4 congruent sides. Square: A quadrilateral that is a rectangle and a square with 4 right angles, diagonals congruet/bisecting that ar perpendicular, and opposites sides congruent.

Which is a quadrilateral having diagonals equal and bisecting each other but do not intersect at 90 degrees?

A rectangle.

Which of the quadrilateral have diagonals that bisect the vertex angles?

A square has diagonals that split the angles into two 45-degree parts, thus bisecting them.

What is the name of the quadrilateral that are perpendicular and bisect each other?

If you are talking about the diagonals of a quadrilateral, the only quadrilateral that have diagonals that are perpendicular and bisect each other is a square, because a rectangle has bisecting diagonals, while a rhombus has perpendicular diagonals. And a square fits in both of these categories.

True or false the diagonals of a quadrilateral must bisect each other and be perpendicular to guarantee that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram?

False. Bisecting diagonals is sufficient to guarantee a parallelogram, but the diagonals will only be perpendicular if the sides of the parallelogram are equal.

If you multiply the length and side of a quadrilateral, you will have what?

The area of the quadrilateral.

Area of quadrilateral?

To find the area of a quadrilateral, multiply the length and width of the figure. The product will give you the area of the figure.

What is a formula to work out the surface area of a quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral does not have a surface area because it is not a voluminous figure.

The diagonals of a quadrilateral must bisect each other?

The answer is no the diagonals do not have to bisect each other. That does not necessarily mean that there isn't a quadrilateral that has bisecting diagonals. A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon which is a close plane figure; in this case with four sides. Meaning that all ends of the straight lines that configure a polygon must connect someway, somehow.

How can you identifies quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral is a plane area enclosed by four straight lines.

The area of a quadrilateral?

, I will tell you how to get the area of a quadrilateral... First, you take the height of the shape( quadrilateral ). Next, take the bottom line of the shape. Finnaly, you times the height by the bottom line and you get the area! Now, you can brag to your friends...

How many faces does Quadrilateral have?

A quadrilateral has 4 sides and 1 face which is its surface area.