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The area of a rectangle equals its length times its width (A = l*w), so if you have the area divided by the one of the sides equals the other side (l = A/w; w = A/l )

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Q: What is the formula for finding the demensions of a rectangle given the area?
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A rectangle has a length of 12m and a width of 6m what are the perimeter of the rectangle?

The formula for finding a rectangle's perimeter is 2(l+w).Here, length is given as 12 m & width as 6m. So, the correct answer is2(l+w)=2(12+6)=2 x 18=36m.

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Formula of a rectangle?

There is no formula for a rectangle. There are formula for calculating its area, perimeter or length of diagonals from its sides, or it is possible to calculate the length of one pair of sides given the other sides and the area or perimeter, or the two lots of sides given area and perimeter and so on.

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The formula to find the length of a rectangle if the area is given?

A = LW divide by W to both sides A/W = L

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