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On the U.S. interstate system, even numbers indicate East/West routes; Odd numbers represent North/South routes; 3 number routes generally indicate belt-routes or local alternates.

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Q: What is the significance of the odd second digit in highways?
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Do the US interstate highways that end in odd numbers carry travelers from east to west?

No, odd numbered highways go North and South. Even numbered highways go East and West. Three digit highways are bypasses around cities.

What is the greatest 2 digit odd number?

The greatest two-digit odd number is 99. In a two-digit number, the first digit can range from 1 to 9, and the second digit can range from 0 to 9. Since we are looking for an odd number, the second digit must be odd, limiting our options to 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. Among these, 99 is the greatest possible two-digit odd number.

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Is 649 even or odd?

Look at the last digit. If the last digit of a number is even, the whole number is even. If the last digit is odd, the number is odd.

Is 1365 even or odd?

Look at the last digit. If the last digit is even, the number is even. If the last digit is odd, the number is odd.

What number am I My tens digit is the lowest even number my hundreds digit is six more than my tens digit and my one digit is one more than my tens digit my thousands digit is the second odd number?

It is 3823.

Is 2113 an odd or even?

Look at the last digit. If a number's last digit is even, the number is even. If the last digit is odd, the number is odd.

Do all phone numbers end in a odd digit?

No, my second to last phone number ended in 3836.

How do you turn two digit numbers in to tens?

If the second digit is 1, 2, 3 or 4 replace it by 0. If the second digit is 6, 7, 8 or 9 replace it by 0 and increase the first digit by 1. If the second digit is 5, then, if the first digit is even, replace the second digit by 0, if the first digit is odd, replace the second digit by 0 and increase the first digit by 1. Many people will require that 5 as the second digit should be treated the same as 1-4. This ignores the upward bias introduced and IEEE 754 standard for rounding.

Which is the smallest 9 digit odd number?

Which is the smallest nine digit odd number?

What is the tens digit in the first odd number?

0 is the ten's digit of the first odd number.

Is the greatest tow digit number a odd or a or even?

99 is a two digit odd number