

What number is divisible by 195?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Any of its multiples

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Q: What number is divisible by 195?
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Is 195 a prime number or a composite number?

195 is composite because it is divisible by 5.

How can you tell if the number three divides evenly into a number?

if all the digits add up to a number divisible by 3 like 195 195= 1+9+5= 15...15/3=5 so it is divisible by 3

Is 195 divisible by 2?

No - 195/2 = 97.5

Is 195 divisible by 3?

Yes. 195/3=65. 65x3=195.

Is 195 divisible by 5?

Yes and it is 195/5 = 39

What three digit number is divisible by 3 and 5 but not divisible by 10?

135. Every increase of 30 is also. Such as 165, 195, 225.

Why is 195 and 190 divisible by 5?

Because any number ending with 5 or 0 is divisible by 5 except of course 0 by itself

Is 195 divisible by 10?

All multiples of 10 end in a zero To be divisible by 10, the last digit must by a 0 The last digit of 195 is a 5 which is NOT a 0, so 195 is NOT divisible by 10.

What is divisible by 195?

Multiples of 195.

Is 585 a prime number?

No, 585 is divisible by 5, 15, 117, 39, 3, 195, 9, and 65.

What 3 digit number is divisible by 3 and 5 both?

105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300... Any 3-digit number divisible by 15.