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Q: What sentences represents half of a number is 10 more than the other number?
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What is a half a flock?

A flock is a group of birds; there is no specific number that a flock represents. Half of a flock is simply "half of a flock"

Why is gemni represented by the symbol twins?

The Gemni represents that one half is bad/evil and the other half is good/nice?

What is a major rule in coordinating sentences?

A major rule in coordinating sentences is that the elements must be coordinated in such a way that they are comparable or equal. In other words, one half of the sentence cannot be stronger than the other.

The sum of two numbers is 70 One number is 8 more than the other Whats the smaller number?

Well, split 70 in half: 35 + 35. Add 4 (half of the 8) to one half: 39. Subtract 4 (the other half of 8) from the other half: 31. The smaller number is 31.

The number of brothers and sisters in your family represents what kind of distribution discrete or continuos?

Discrete. The number of brothers or sisters can only be integers (leaving aside half-brothers!).

What does a denominator represent?

the denominator represents the total amount of something, compared to the numerator which represents how much there is. 1/2 of my delicious pie (apple of course)=someone ate the other half?!?!

What is the median number in a list that has an odd number of entries?

It's the one number on the list for which half of the other numbers on the list are bigger than it is, and the other half of the numbers on the list are smaller than it is.

What are at least ten compound sentences using classroom objects?

Half of the class were very noisey but the other half was not. Bob was tired but somehow stayed awake. Fred shouted and Grace slapped him.

What number other than 0 can be halved?

Any number can be divided in half.

What half of the alphabet represents more surnames?

Many researchers confidently claim that the first half of the Arabic alphabet represents more surnames than the second half of the Arabic alphabet.

What does a hemisphere represents what part of a sphere?

Half of it.

What mixed number represents 14 one-fourths?

14 one-fourths is equal to 3 and one-half (3 1/2)