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Q: What sign in an inequality do you use if it says no more than?
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What inequality sign do you use when a word problem states no more than?

If a word problem states "no more than", the corresponding inequality sign is less than or equal to (≤). For example, if x is no more than than 4, then: x ≤ 4.

What is the name of the less-than-sign?

A more formal name is the strict inequality sign.

What are the critical features of an inequality?

An inequality must have a greater than sign (>) OR a less than sign (<) OR a greater than or equal to sign (≥) OR a less than or equal to sign (≤).

What is a symbol representing a quantity that doesn't have an equal sign called?

An inequality sign which means > more than and < less than

What inequality sign means no more than?

It's the "less than" sign [ < ] above the "equals" sign [ = ].&acirc;&permil;&curren;When you see it, you read it " ... less than or equal to ... ". That's the same as " ... no more than ... "

How do I solve this inequality y4x-5?


Is a number an expression equation or inequality?

A number is an expression. It is not an equation, or an inequality, since it doesn't have an equal sign, or an inequality (greater than, less than, etc.) sign.

Can equation and inequality have the same solution?

No, inequalities have more than, less then, at least, or no more than signs. Equations just have equal signs. An inequality answer can't be written as just a number it has to have a sign with it.

What is the inequality sign for at least?

The sign is "greater than or equal to" or &ge;

Is 4 a solution to the inequality x4?

x^4 is not an inequality. (An inequality has a "bigger than or equal to/less than or equal to/less than/bigger than" sign involved. I.e not an "equals" sign, since this would be an "equality"). But x^4 is not an equality, nor an inequality.

What way does an inequality sign face when it is greater than or equal to?

The inequality sign opens towards the bigger number.

Do you only flip the inequality when you divide by a negative number?

Yes you do, you also flip the inequality sign if you multiply by a negative # The &gt; and &lt; signs are strictly the "Greater than" and "Less than" signs. The inequality sign is an = with a / stroke through it. If you divide an inequality by -1 it remains an inequality.