

Whatthree numbers in a row that have a sum of 9000?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Whatthree numbers in a row that have a sum of 9000?
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What are 3 numbers that are in a row and have the sum of 9000?

First of all, you need to be more specific. It's three consecutive integers. And they are 2,999, 3,000, and 3,001

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Sum of numbers in a nth row can be determined using the formula 2^n. For the 100th row, the sum of numbers is found to be 2^100=1.2676506x10^30.

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The sum of the numbers in each row of Pascal's triangle is twice the sum of the previous row. Perhaps you can work it out from there. (Basically, you should use powers of 2.)

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8,000. each row's sum is the row # cubed. so the 20th row is 20*20*20 = 8000

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the horizontal sums doubles each time the sum of row 1 = 1 row 2= 2 row 3 = 4 row 4 = 8 row 5 = 16 etc etc.......... the horizontal sums doubles each time the sum of row 1 = 1 row 2= 2 row 3 = 4 row 4 = 8 row 5 = 16 etc etc..........

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=SUM(A1:A17) for example

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Each number in Pascal's triangle is used twice when calculating the row below. Consequently the row total doubles with each successive row. If the row containing a single '1' is row zero, then T = 2r where T is the sum of the numbers in row r. So for r=100 T = 2100 = 1267650600228229401496703205376

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When does Excel assign the SUM function to cells next to numbers?

It you select the blank cell under a column of numbers or a blank cell at the end of a row of numbers and hit the Autosum button it will enter the SUM function and select the cells above in the column, or to the left in a row. Pressing Alt and the = key will also do the same thing. If you select the column or the row with the numbers and click the button or do Alt and the = key, then it will also do the same.