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Q: When chlorine water is added to colourless solution of X a dark brown solution is obtained. What is X?
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What do you see when chlorine is added to a solution of bromide ions?

When chlorine is added to a solution of bromide ions, a red-brown color may appear due to the formation of bromine. This is because chlorine can oxidize bromide ions to bromine.

What colour does universal indicator change to if chlorine water is added?

Universal indicator will change to a bleaching effect color (yellow or yellow-green) when chlorine water is added due to the presence of hypochlorous acid.

When NaCl is added to water the solution will have what?

The chemical and physical properties are changed.

What happens if chlorine solution is added to sodium astatide solution?

When chlorine solution is added to sodium astatide solution, a chemical reaction may occur where the chlorine displaces the astatine in the compound, forming sodium chloride and releasing free astatine. This reaction is generally not advisable due to the hazardous nature of astatine and the potential formation of toxic compounds.

When chlorine is added to potassium iodide solution the colour changes from colourless to a dark reddy brown why does this happen?

The dark red-brown color change occurs because the chlorine oxidizes iodide ions to form iodine, which reacts with excess iodide ions to form triiodide ions. These triiodide ions absorb light in the visible range, resulting in the dark red-brown color observed in the solution.

What happens when chlorine is added bromine ions?

When chlorine is added to a solution containing bromine ions, the chlorine will react with the bromine ions to form a mixture of chlorine and bromine compounds, such as bromine chloride. This reaction is a redox reaction where chlorine is reduced and bromine is oxidized.

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Carbon dioxide gas is produced when hydrochloric acid solution is added to sodium carbonate.

How much acid and chlorine should be added to a 5000 liter swimming pool?

How much acid and chlorine should be added to a 5000 liter to make 5 ppm solution

What is the test for unsaturation?

Add KMnO4 (Potassium Permanganate) which is a purple solution. If it is added to an alkene or alkyne it will turn colourless and produces a brown precipitate.

What indicator has no color at all?

The indicator that has no color at all is a colorless indicator, such as phenolphthalein in its neutral pH state.

When chlorine is added to sodium bromide solution one of the products is bromine?

When chlorine is added to sodium bromide solution, bromine is produced as one of the products through a redox reaction. The chlorine oxidizes the bromide ion to form bromine gas, while itself being reduced. This reaction is used to synthesize bromine from sodium bromide.

Balanced chemical formula for What happens when chlorine gas is added to potassium iodide solution?

When chlorine gas is added to potassium iodide solution, potassium chloride and iodine are formed. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is 2KI + Cl2 → 2KCl + I2.