When you are starting to learn about numbers, their addition and subtraction.
how to use number line to represent real life event
A thermometer.
There are no 'equations' on a number line. There are only numbers, such as 1, 2, 3...and so on. And they relate to life because you use them in counting. And you use that to count money, people, fingers, etc.
Plot the number on the number line; count off the distance from -12 to zero.
We use line number in maths subject.
Smaller numbers always go to the left of larger number on the number line.
You do not use a number line to find a ratio
By drawing the number line and label it.
You are asked to put the fractions on a number line to help you understand fractions. It isn't so much you will use a number line " in real life" but it gives you a visual representation to help you learn. You will use fractions for many things in life. Just do what what you are asked to do by your teacher they have a reason. You are not the only student in the class and others may need a bit extra assignments to help them understand. Go with the flow. Not all things in life will relate to "real life."
Put 140 to 150 on a number then you check which is the nearest to 148.
I would never do that! I would use two number lines with the same scale: but with one line below the other.
By definition, the absolute value is the distance from the "0" on a number line to an integer on the number line. Therefore, the absolute value of + 3, for example, is simply three and would be indicated by drawing a line from 0 to 3; and likewise the absolute value of -3 is 3, which would be indicated by drawing a line from 0 to -3.