It is a boldface Z. It comes from the German word, "Zahlen", which means, "numbers".
The word integer is a noun.
A non-integer.
It may come as a surprise, but the answer is 5.
"Integer" comes from Latin and means "whole" or "intact."
It comes from the Latin words 'in' = negative, and 'tangere' = to touch. The original meaning was 'untouched' which came to mean whole, entire.
An integer is a whole number without decimals or fractions
The likely word is the plural noun multiples (integer products of an integer).
No. An integer is a kind of number - a whole number - but not all numbers are integers. For example, a half is a number but it is not an integer.
yes integer= all whole numbers positive and negative.
Two is an even integer because it is a whole number that can be divided by two and still come out with a whole number.