It comes from the Latin words 'in' = negative, and 'tangere' = to touch. The original meaning was 'untouched' which came to mean whole, entire.
A non-integer.
The next whole number or integer is: 4200
No. The word integer means something that is complete. The word fraction means something that is not whole. So, they are mutually exclusive. However a fraction can represent an integer 3 is the same as 3/1 or 12/4, for example. Every integer can be written as itself over one. So if an integer can be written as a fraction, they are not mutually exclusive. 2 = 2/1 No
The symbol for the set of integers is Z. This comes from the German Zahl, which means integer.
an integer plus and integer will always be an integer. We say integers are closed under addition.
i really dont know :p srry
It is a boldface Z. It comes from the German word, "Zahlen", which means, "numbers".
The word integer is a noun.
A non-integer.
It may come as a surprise, but the answer is 5.
"Integer" comes from Latin and means "whole" or "intact."
An integer is a whole number without decimals or fractions
The likely word is the plural noun multiples (integer products of an integer).
yes integer= all whole numbers positive and negative.
No. An integer is a kind of number - a whole number - but not all numbers are integers. For example, a half is a number but it is not an integer.
Two is an even integer because it is a whole number that can be divided by two and still come out with a whole number.