Yes, because there is no way of multiplying two polynomials to get something that isn't a polynomial.
+,-,X only
Yes.natural numbers are closed under multiplication.It means when the operation is done with natural numbers in multiplication the sum of two numbers is always the natural number.
The set of rational numbers is closed under all 4 basic operations.
Yes. The set of real numbers is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication. The set of real numbers without zero is closed under division.
If you can never, by multiplying two whole numbers, get anything but another whole number back as your answer, then, YES, the set of whole numbers must be closed under multiplication.
Yes they are closed under multiplication, addition, and subtraction.
It means that you can do any of those operations, and again get a number from the set - in this case, a polynomial. Note that if you divide a polynomial by another polynomial, you will NOT always get a polynomial, so the set of polynomials is not closed under division.
Is { 0, 20 } closed under multiplication
+,-,X only
Yes, the set of non-deterministic polynomial time (NP) problems is closed under the operation of union.
Rational numbers are closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication. They are not closed under division, since you can't divide by zero. However, rational numbers excluding the zero are closed under division.