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B is between A and C.

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Q: Choose the negation of this statement B is not between A and C?
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What is the negation of B is not between A and C?

The negation of B is not between A and C is = [(A < B < C) OR (C < B < A)] If A, B and C are numbers, then the above can be simplified to (B - A)*(C - B) > 0

What is the negation of this statement b is not between a or c?

If you do not know whether a < c or c < a then it is much simpler in words. It is "b lies between a and c". Mathematically, it is min[0.5(a + c -|a - c|)] < b < min[0.5(a + c +|a - c|)].If you do know that a < c then it is simply a < b < c.

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Event B has something in common with Event A.

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The conditional statement "If A then B" is equivalent to "Not B or A" So, the inverse of "If A then B" is the inverse of "Not B or A" which is "Not not B and not A", that is "B and not A",

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A mathematical statement of the form if A then B would be a conditional statement.

What is Inverse statement?

It is what you get in an inference, after negating both sides. That is, if you have a statement such as: if a then b the inverse of this statement is: if not a then not b Note that the inverse is NOT equivalent to the original statement.

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You can use one of the Math.max() methods, or the ternary operator, that is, one of the following: Math.max(a, b) a &gt; b ? a : b

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It is a statement of succession.

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B = A.

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For example the chemical reactivity.