It depends on which state you live in, and what your School Districts requirments are. Check with your counselor.
There are mainly two types of Algebra. Algebra 1 and Algebra II. Some 8th graders and most 9th graders take Algebra I, and then either take Algebra II as a 10th or 11th grader. It depends on the school in which year the students take the two types.
Algebra 2 Honors? I prefer you ask your school administration rather than
Oh, dude, algebra 2 is usually taught in high school, like 10th or 11th grade. But hey, if you're a math whiz, maybe you'll tackle it earlier. Just remember, it's all about those x's and y's and trying to figure out why they're always hanging out together.
Kids that have a hard time with math take it in 10th Grade, normally kids take it in 9th Grade. Advanced kids take it in 8th Grade. I am in 8th grade, and take algebra 1 at my school, because I am qualified for it.
You take it so you dont have to take it in High School.
Algebra II
You can take any math you want in High School that is at your level. Most of the available classes for most schools are Intro to Algebra I, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, pre-Calculus, and Calculus (not always offered). As long as you take any of these maths (the amount in years varies from place to place), and pass, you can graduate from high school.
algebra data analysis??hmm,never heard about that but algebra usually people take in 9th grade..
Algebra, a language like Spanish or French, science
Most people in high school take some of these courses mostly in order Algebra 1,Algebra 2,Geomentry, Trig/Pre-Calculus,Calculus, Calculus 2, and Statastics.
Yes. You have to them because they know what subjects are better for for you. You can it after some time.
It depends on which state you live in, and what your School Districts requirments are. Check with your counselor.
Most colleges take into consideration that freshman year is to say the least, tricky.
You usually have to take a test that will decided if you can skip, but don't be worried it freshmen year is not all that bad.
High school students classes are: Math Biology Chemistry Science History Geometry Social Studies Algebra Literature77 K-Prep