

Best Answer

The best way to answer your question is by an example.

Let's say that you are given (2,6) and you need to plot them. 2 is your x value and 6 is your y value. On the x-axis go to the dash of the number value of 2, then go up 6 dashes, on the vertical line l, from the point of 2. If you have a negative x value, you go to the left hand side of the coordinate plane, if your y value is negative, go down rather than up. I hope you understand!


Another contributor took a more generic and more mechanical approach:

-- Take a blank sheet of paper. Draw a horizontal line on it to represent the x-axis,

and a vertical line to represent the y-axis.

-- The point where the lines cross is the 'origin' that is (0,0). Starting with zero at the origin, mark off

distances on the two axes, just like rulers, in all four directions. Use positive numbers

starting at the origin and going up and to the right. Use negative numbers going down

and to the left.

To plot any point:

-- Look at the x-coordinate of the point. Starting at the origin, move your pencil

that distance horizontally ... to the right if the number is positive, or to the left

if it's negative. You wind up somewhere on the x-axis. Draw a tiny mark there.

-- Look at the y-coordinate of the point. Starting at your tiny mark on the x-axis,

move vertically the distance equal to the y-coordinate ... up if the number is positive,

or down if it's negative.

You wind up at the point described by those coordinates.

Using two numbers in this way, you can describe any point anywhere on the

sheet of paper, no matter how big the sheet is.

But ... you can't leave the flat sheet of paper. To do that, you'd need a third number,

which you would call the 'Z-axis coordinate'. That's a separate story; but if you've

followed this answer up to here, then you can probably figure out how the z-axis

works, and how three numbers can lead you to any point in the universe!

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Q: How can you plot a point using its x axis and y axis coordinates?
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Real life example of a line plot?

I'm not really sure which line plot you mean so I assumed it was the x,y axis line plot. One example could be the shooting solution coordinates in a warship

How do you graph an equation using slope and intercepts?

In Cartesian coordinates in two dimensions: plot the intercept (if it is the X intercept it is usually plotted on the horizontal axis; the Y intercept is usually plotted on the vertical axis). From the intercept plot the slope (that is the rise Y increase [up] divided by the X increase [to the right]). Example: Y intercept -4; slope +1,5 Plot the point (0;-4) [four units below the origin] from there go 1,5 units up and 1 unit right to (1;2,5) plot a point there Connect the points and extend the line Note you might get better accuracy if you spread your points out, in the example you should make sure the line extension goes through the point (10;11) [fifteen units up and ten units over from the intercept]

In what axis the graph should plot the independent and dependent variable?

X axis is independent nd Y axis is dependend

What set of directions correctly describes how to plot the point (6 2) on the coordinate plane?

It will move 6 units across the x axis then 2 units up parallel to the y axis on the coordinate plane.

Explain how to plot points on a coordinate plane and give 5 examples?

A coordinate plane is made up of two axes: the x-axis going horizontally and the y axis going vertically. The point where these two meet is called the origin and has the value of (0,0). When you are given a point to plot it will look in a similar way to the value of the origin: it consists of two numbers separated by a comma and in parentheses. The first of these numbers is called the abscissa and represents the value of the x axis. The second is called the ordinate and represents the value of the ordinate. When you are give a point to plot, first look at the abscissa and then take that number and move that amount of times to the right if it's a positive number or to the left if it's a negative number. Then look at the second number and, this time starting at the point on the x-axis where the abscissa was, and go that amount of times up for a positive number and down for a negative number. Point you arrive at is the plotted point. This should all be done on graph paper using the given lines and drawing on your own axes, making it clear where the units are. Here are some picture examples.

Related questions

What is the definition of the words plot points?

When you plot a point you are using coordinates to find a certain point on a grid. In fiction, a plot point is an event in the exposition which will have ramifications later in the story.

What coordinates do you plot first?

You plot both coordinates together.

Definition of coordinate pair?

A coordinate pair is a set of two coordinates that plot the location on a Cartesian plane. The pair consists of the x-axis location followed by the y-axis location.

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How do you plot points in the Cartesian coordinate system?

The Cartesian plane consists of a horizontal axis (usually called the x-axis), and a vertical axis (usually the y-axis) which meet at right angles at a point called the Origin. The positive direction of the x-axis is to the right while that of the y-axis is up along the paper. Every point in the Cartesian plane is assigned two coordinates: the x-coordinate (also called the abscissa) and the y-coordinate (the ordinate). These are often written in the form (x, y). To plot the point P = (x,y), you start from the origin. Move x units along the x-axis. From that point you move y units along the y-axis. The end point is where P is to be plotted. If the value of x or y is negative, you move in the negative direction of the axes.

Real life example of a line plot?

I'm not really sure which line plot you mean so I assumed it was the x,y axis line plot. One example could be the shooting solution coordinates in a warship

What is scattered plot?

A scatter plot or scattergraph is a type of mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data.

How to plot an axis using 242000 on a barchart?

Two hundred and fortytwo thousand

How do you make a line plot using fractions?

A line plot can be made using fractions. Just use fractions rather than whole numbers or other data to mark the scales of the horizontal axis and vertical axis

What does the phrase rise over run refer to when defining slope?

Answer: divide your y axis by your x axis to get slope. Answer: If you plot an x-y graph in standard position, you have to calculate (difference in y-coordinates) / (difference in x-coordinates). "Rise over run" is an alternative way of saying this.

How do you make a graph from points?

Let us consider a point (3,4). Now, the number written first is the x-coordinate and the next number is the y-coordinate. The x-axis of a graph is the horizontal line and the y-axis is the vertical line. the x-coordinates are plotted taking the x-axis for reference and the y-coordinates are plotted taking the y-axis as reference. So now, if we have the point (3,4) then we see the x-axis to see where the x-coordinate is. We have 3 as x-coordinate. Just keep a mental note of where the "3" is on the x-axis. then see the y-xis and try to find out where the y-coordinate is (In this case, 4). daw a horizontal line from 4 in the y-axis and a vertical line from 3 in the x-axis. These two lines meet a point. this point is the point we had to plot i.e., (3,4). If you observe the graph so plotted, you will see that (3,4) is at a distance of 3 units from the origin along the x-axis and 4 units from the origin along the y-axis.

What are the x and y axis used for?

The x and y axes are horizontal and vertical number lines that intersect each other at right angles at the point of origin (0, 0) on the Cartesian plane and is used to plot graphs on it by given sets of coordinates.