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x comes first. (x,y)

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Q: How do you do Plotting points is it x or y first?
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When plotting points on a graph which comes first y number or x number?

Traditionally, ordered pairs are given with the x value first and the y value second: (x,y).

What axis do you read first on a graph?

The x axis is read first when plotting points in the form (x,y) on the xy-plane.

What is the definition for plotting points?

Plotting points is the process of locating and marking specific coordinates on a graph or a coordinate plane. Each point is represented by an ordered pair (x, y), where x indicates the horizontal position and y indicates the vertical position. By plotting points, you can visually represent data and relationships between variables.

What is the name of the starting point when plotting points?

The name of the starting point when plotting points on a graph is called the point of origin. It is located on the point (0,0) or where the x and y axes meet.

When plotting in math is it the x axis first or the y axis?

The x-coordinate comes first in an ordered pair.

When Santana is plotting points on a graph. The ratio of y y -value to x x -value is 3 3 to 4 4 for each point. What will be the x x -value of a point with a y y -value of 12 12?

It will be 16.

What are the uses of plotting points in cartesian plane?

They are the coordinates of x and y to plot out straight lines or curves on the Cartesian plane

What are the plotting points for X equals 3?

for x=3 you plotting point will be a vertical line for all input values of 'y' your output x will always be three therefore you will have a vertical line on the x-axis at 3 so you points would be ie (3,1) (3,2)(3,3) (3,4) so on and so forth.

How do you graph y equals -2x?

Draw a blank graph (x-y axis), then start plotting points until you find the straight-line (e.g. plot at least 2 points, then get a straight-edge and connect the dots):(x,y)(0,0)(1,-2)(2,-4)(-1,2)(-2,4)

How do you plot points on a coordinate plane?

When plotting ordered pairs,always begin at the point of origin (center) and plot along the x axis line first then on the y axis line second/next.☺♥

What do you label on the x and y axes of a graph?

The variables that you are plotting on the graph!

When plotting a coordinate on a grid do you start with the horizontal line first?

Yes because x is before y as in the coordinate for example of (2, 3)