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y = -1 + 3 sin 4x

Let's look at the equation of y = 3 sin 4x, which is of the form y = A sin Bx, where

the amplitude = |A|, and the period = (2pi)/B.

So that the amplitude of the graph of y = 3 sin 4x is |3| = 3, which tell us that the maximum value of y is 3 and the minimum value is -3, and the period is (2pi)/4 = pi/2, which tell us that each cycle is completed in pi/2 radians.

The graph of y = -1 + 3 sin 4x has the same amplitude and period as y = 3 sin 4x, and translates the graph of y = 3 sin 4x one unit down, so that the maximum value of y becomes 2 and the minimum value becomes -4.

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Q: How do you find the amplitude maximum minimum and period for y equals -1 plus 3sin4x?
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