when you divide the numerator and denominator by the same factor
Yes. If the numerator (on top) is higher or equal to the denominator (bottom) than its an improper fraction. If the numerator and denominator are the same then the fraction is considered a whole number and always comes out 1. If the numerator is higher than the denominator then you must divide the numerator by the denominator.
The same way as with a positive denominator. The difference is, you change the sign of the numerator.
Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number and you can change it to whatever number you need.
The numerator of the fraction is 1.The numerator of the fraction is 1.The numerator of the fraction is 1.The numerator of the fraction is 1.
The same numerator as which numerator and the same denominator as which denominator?
when you divide the numerator and denominator by the same factor
Essentially the same way as you would do an ordinary division.If the numerator and denominator have the same sign then the answer is positive.If the numerator and denominator have different signs then the answer is negative.Essentially the same way as you would do an ordinary division.If the numerator and denominator have the same sign then the answer is positive.If the numerator and denominator have different signs then the answer is negative.Essentially the same way as you would do an ordinary division.If the numerator and denominator have the same sign then the answer is positive.If the numerator and denominator have different signs then the answer is negative.Essentially the same way as you would do an ordinary division.If the numerator and denominator have the same sign then the answer is positive.If the numerator and denominator have different signs then the answer is negative.
Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number or divide the numerator and the denominator by the same number
no i doesnt have to be the same
Fractions with the same numerator are called like fractions
Numerator, Denominator or Denominator, Numerator.
It does not change. If the numerator changes then, unless the denominator changes in the same proportion, the fraction is no longer the same.
Only if the numerator is zero,
They both have the same numerator.
you subtract the numerator but the denominator stays the same.