

Best Answer

Depends on the kind of binomials.

Case 1:

If both binomials have different terms, then use the distribution property. Each term of one binomial will multiply both terms of the other binomial. After distribution, combine like terms, and it's done.

Case 2:

If both binomials have exactly the same terms, then work as in the 1st case, or use the formula for suaring a binomial, (a ± b)2 = a2 ± 2ab + b2.

Case 3:

If both binomials have terms that only differ in sign, then work as in the 1st case, or use the formula for the sum and the difference of the two terms, (a - b)(a + b) = a2 - b2.

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Q: What is a method for multiplying two binomials?
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Why is the FOIL method not needed when multiplying two binomials?

It is only not needed if you know of another method. If FOIL is the only way you know to multiply two binomials, then it is definitely needed.

When multiplying binomials that turn out negative do you add or subtract exponents?

When multiplying numbers with exponents, you add the exponents.

Why do you use the foil method?

To find the factor of 2 binomials

What is an acronym used to remember the steps needed to multiply two binomials?

You don't need any acronym; just multiply every monomial on the left with every monomial on the right. The same goes for multiplying a binomial with a trinomial, two trinomials, or in fact for multiplying any polynomial by any other polynomial.

What is a memory aid to remember how to multiply two binomials?

In elementary algebra, FOIL is a mnemonic for the standard method of multiplying two binomials-hence the method may be referred to as the FOIL method. The word FOIL is an acronym for the four terms of the product:First ("first" terms of each binomial are multiplied together)Outer ("outside" terms are multiplied-that is, the first term of the first binomial and the second term of the second)Inner ("inside" terms are multiplied-second term of the first binomial and first term of the second)Last ("last" terms of each binomial are multiplied)The general form is:Note that is both a "first" term and an "outer" term; is both a "last" and "inner" term, and so forth. The order of the four terms in the sum is not important, and need not match the order of the letters in the word FOIL.The FOIL method is a special case of a more general method for multiplying algebraic expressions using the distributive law. The word FOIL was originally intended solely as a mnemonic for high-school students learning algebra, but many students and educators in the United States now use the word "foil" as a verb meaning "to expand the product of two binomials". This neologism has not gained widespread acceptance in the mathematical community.

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FOIL is a method that uses a pattern to simplify multiplying two together?


Is a method that uses a pattern to simplify multiplying two binomials together?


FOIL is a method that uses a pattern to simplify two binomials together?


Why is the FOIL method not needed when multiplying two binomials?

It is only not needed if you know of another method. If FOIL is the only way you know to multiply two binomials, then it is definitely needed.

What is multiplying binomials used for?

to simplify the equation

What is the difference multiplying binomials with factoring polynomials into binomial factors?

It's the difference between multiplication and division. Multiplying binomials is combining them. Factoring polynomials is breaking them apart.

What is the last step when multiplying binomials?

Combining like terms.

What are the advantages of foil method?

The foil method is a straightforward way to multiply two binomials quickly and accurately. It ensures all terms in the product are accounted for by multiplying each term in the first binomial by each term in the second binomial. This method is especially useful when dealing with simple polynomial multiplication.

When multiplying binomials that turn out negative do you add or subtract exponents?

When multiplying numbers with exponents, you add the exponents.

How is factoring a polynomial different from multiplying two binomials?

The same way that factoring a number is different from multiplying two factors. In general, it is much easier to multiply two factors together, than to find factors that give a certain product.

How do you multiply a binomial with another binomial?

Use the "F-O-I-L" Method when multiplying two binomials. F-O-I-L stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last. Multiply the first terms together, then the outer terms, the inner terms, and the last terms.

Why is the second partial product greater than the first partial product when you multiply by two 2-digit numbers?

The answer will depend on the order in which you do partial products. It is quite common in the UK for the first partial product to be the two digits in the tens' place and so that is often the largest. This ties in with the method for multiplying two binomials when they move on to algebra.