5k is 3.106 miles
or 3.106 855 961 2 miles to be exact
One Kilometer is about .6 miles and 1 mile is about 1.64 kilometers-
so a 5k run would have to be a little over 3 miles.
To do the math you would have to multiply 5 times .6 and get the answer which is 3 miles
If you mean: kk-5 then it can be k^2-5 But if you mean: k+k-5 then it can be 2k-5
If: k5 = 9765625 Then: k = 25
(k + 1)(k - 5)= 0
A piece of string 5 k long is 5 kilometers, or 3.1 miles, long
Kayla. Karla too.
If you mean: kk-5 then it can be k^2-5 But if you mean: k+k-5 then it can be 2k-5
k divided by 5
k - 5
The abbreviation k in terms of running stands for a kilometer. A 5k race is 5 kilometers or 3.1 miles. A 10k race is 10 kilometers or 6.2 miles.
Anywhere from 45 to40 minutes, it depends on how fast you can walk!!
k(k + 5)
The values of k can be: 5 or -3
It is because 1/3 = (1*k)/(3*k) for any non-zero number k. When k = 5 you get 5/15.
One place that a person can find a comprehensive year long elementary art curriculum for grades K through 5 is at the Rockwood School District website. The curriculum was first revised in the year of 2009.