There is no greatest integer. Whatever integer you think is greatest, you can always add one (1) to it and get a larger one.
A floor function takes any decimal and rounds it down to the closest integer.(You might possibly also call this a "ground floor" function.)
Solving for the third integer:(a + b + c) / 3 = 37 (by the definition of "average")(18 + b + c) / 3 = 37 (assuming "a" is the least integer)18 + b + c = 111c = 111 - 18 - b (solving for the third integer)c = 93 - bNow, "b" must be at least 18, in which case:c = 93 - 18 = 75On the other hand, the largest "b" can be is when it is equal to "c" (since I am assuming that "c" is the largest integer):c = 93 - bc = 93 - c2c = 93c = 46.5Adjusting the numbers a bit (since we need integers), in this case we get the numbers 18, 46, 47Thus, the greatest integer can be anything in the range from 47 to 75.
An algebraic function is a function built from polynomial and combined with +,*,-,/ signs. The transcendental it is not built from polynomial like X the power of Pie plus 1. this function is transcendental because the power pi is not integer number in result it can't be a polynomial.
Let me first re-phrase your question: What is the number of (positive) integers less than 10000 (5 digits) and greater than 999 (3 digits)? The greatest 4 digit integer would be 9999. The greatest 3 digit integer would be 999. Let's do some subtraction: 9999 - 999 = 9000 This works because as we count up from 999, each positive integer encountered satisfies your requirements until reaching 10000.
Both the Greatest Integer Function and the Absolute Value Function are considered Piece-Wise Defined Functions. This implies that the function was put together using parts from other functions.
Less than
Neither of the two are one-to-one
Inverse of a function exists only if it is a Bijection. Bijection=Injection(one to one)+surjection (onto) function.
It means that the function value doesn't make sudden jumps. For example, a function that rounds a number down to the closest integer is discontinuous for all integer values; for instance, when x changes from 0.99 to 1, or from 0.999999 to 1, or for any number arbitrarily close to 1 (but less than one) to one, the function value suddenly changes from 0 to 1. At other points, the function is continuous.
it means something great and top fave to grades
The most common example of the Greatest Integer Function is the Post Office. Postage is paid based on weight. For example, from between 1 and 2 ounces, you might pay $1.25 postage. However, when you hit 2 ounces to almost 3 ounces you pay $2.00. This progression is a greatest integer function and is currently used today by the Post Office. You could probably get their rate chart and see.
No, because there is no greatest integer.
The smallest positive integer is 1. 1 is the multiplicative identity; ie anything times 1 is itself. The greatest negative integer is the most positive negative integer which is -1. Therefore the product of the greatest negative integer and the smallest positive integer is the greatest negative integer which is -1.