The editors should shut up if they don't know how. Yes, if only +-*/() is allowed, It would be impossible. If recurring digits is allowed, The answer is: 4! / (.4` * sqrt(.4`)) - 4 While .4' being 0.4444444444...
There are 100,230 fours.There are 100,230 fours.There are 100,230 fours.There are 100,230 fours.
It means that a 4 piston engine is smoothly running because it's 'firing on all fours'
To achieve the number 77 with four fours, the solution is as follows: sqrt(4/.4)4 - 4 Instead of the second four being equal to four tenths, place a dot over the top to indicate it being equal to four ninths.
There are 77 eighty-fours in 672
There are six fours in twenty-four.
four fours equals 24 not 23. or if u meant four 4ths, then it's 256.
The plural form of four is fours
A solution to the four fours problem for the number 33 is: 33 = (4-.4)/.4+4!
44 / 4 + root(4) is one solution. You can find additional solutions in the Wikipedia article "Four fours".
petit fours
In mathematics, the concept of "four" can be seen in various aspects such as the four basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), the four sides of a square or rectangle, and the four quadrants of a Cartesian coordinate system. In music theory, a common time signature is 4/4, indicating four beats per measure. Additionally, in the field of genetics, organisms inherit one set of chromosomes from each parent, resulting in a total of four chromosomes for a specific gene.