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If it is a 'greater than' or a 'less than' then it's a dotted line. If 'less than or equal' or if it's a 'greater than or equal' then it's a solid line.

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Q: What determines if the line is dotted or straight for an inequality?
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When will the graph of an equation inequality be a dotted line?

The line is dotted when the inequality is a strict inequality, ie it is either "less than" (<) or "greater than" (>). If there is an equality in the inequality, ie "less than or equal to" (≤), "greater than or equal to" (≥) or "equal to" (=) then the line is drawn as a solid line.

When graphing a system of inequalities the line is dotted for the?

strict inequality

Explain when to use a solid line as a boundary when graphing a linear inequality?

If the points that are ON the line satisfy the inequality then the line should be solid. Otherwise it should be dotted. Another way of putting that is, if the inequality is given in terms of ≤ or ≥, then use a solid line. If they are < or > use a dotted line.

What is slope-intercept inequality?

The slope-intercept inequality is an equation of the form y < mx + c. The inequality can be reversed, and in both cases can be strict or not. In all cases the equality divides the Cartesian plane into two and the inequality determines which side of the straight line is the valid region, and whether or not the line itself should be included.

What kind of line do you use to graph an inequality?

A dashed/dotted line if it is > or <. Otherwise use a regular line. Also shading is required.

How many different line designs are there?

The different type of line designs are zig zag, parallel, dotted, dashed, perpendicular, curved, straight and wavy. The most used line designs are zig zag, dotted and straight.

State how to choose which half plane to shade when graphing an inequality?

It is standard procedure to shade the area where the Inequality does NOT apply, leaving the unshaded area to show where the Inequality is valid. Choosing a simple illustration, the Inequality y > 6 would be graphically represented by a dotted line passing though y = 6 and parallel to the x-axis. The area below this line would be shaded as this represents the zone where y < 6. Note : A broken/dotted line is used to illustrate the boundary where a true Inequality applies (e.g. < or >). A solid line is used where the Inequality also includes an equals sign (e.g. ≤ less than or equal to, or ≥ greater than or equal to ).

What best describes the graph of the inequality 3x - y 5?


Types of line?

There are different types of lines: curved lines, dotted lines, wavy lines and straight lines.

Explain when to use a solid line as a boundary when graphing a linear in equality?

you use a solid line when the inequality is less than or equal to or greater that or equal to the dotted line is for less than or greater than

True or false If two independent clauses are connected by a semicolon, the dotted line is slanted from one verb to the other.?

False. The correct answer is "If two independent clauses are connected by a semicolon, the dotted line goes straight from one verb to the other." (A+)

If two independent clauses are connected by a semicolon does the dotted line go straight from on verb to the others adjective?

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