If you mean: kk-5 then it can be k^2-5 But if you mean: k+k-5 then it can be 2k-5
K is short for kilo, which means thousand, 5K is 5000.
88 Keys on a piano keyboard.
in science terms, it means ==absolute==
If you mean in the group {1, -1, i, -i, j, -j, k, -k}, the identity element is 1.
52.9109429 pounds (Weight)Calculated by google calculator.
his weight is 153.
Weight: 210-250 k
What does a circle with a k in it on food mean
What does a circle with a k in it on food mean
If it has a diamond or diamonds it could be the carat weight or it could be 750 which is 18 k or other wise no real meaning
Theprismgroup: Thousands. it's abbreviated kilos. 1k=1,ooo <------ spell check even said ya wrong. S_Hospitality: k doesn't mean kilo because eye assume your typing weight. k when placed behind a number means a comma followed by 3 zeros.
what does 13 k on earrings mean
Heavy! 4,444#