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Without an equality sign the expression given can't be considered to be an equation.

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Q: What equations is the result of completing the square on x2 - 6x - 9 0?
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What does the equation y equals x2 - 6x plus 2 become after completing the square?

y = x2 - 6x + 2 y = x2 - 6x + 9 - 7 y = (x - 3)2 - 7

What are the solutions in completing the square x2 plus 6x equals 7?

x2 + 6x = 7 ⇒ x2 + 6x + 9 = 7 + 9 ⇒ (x + 3)2 = 16 ⇒ x + 3 = ±4 ⇒ x = -7 or 1

What is X 2-6x-2 0 completing the square?

x^2 - 6x - 2 = 0 x^2 - 6x = 2 x^2 - 6x + 9 = 2 + 9 = 11 (x - 3)^2 = 11 x - 3 = +/- sqrt(11) x = 3 +/- sqrt(11)

Solve by completing square 2x² - 6x plus 7 equals 0?

This quadratic equation has no solutions because the discriminant is less than zero.

What are the solutions to 3x squared equals 6x plus 4 shown by means of completing the square?

If: 3x^2 = 6x+4 Then: 3^2 -6x-4 = 0 Divide all terms by 3: x^2 -2x-4/3 = 0 Completing the square: (x-1)^2 -7/3 = 0 => (x-1)^2 = 7/3 or as 21/9 If: (x-1)^2 = 21/9 Then: x = 1 +/- (square root 21) over 3 which are the exact solutions

What is 6x plus 7 is an equation or expression?

Expression. Equations have equals signs.

What is the solution to this system of equations 6x-3y -33 2x y -1 using substituition?

If you mean: 6x-3y = -33 and 2x+y = -1 Then solving the simultaneous equations by substitution: x = -3 and y = 5

The square root of 6x-2 equals 4 what is the solution set?

If the square root of 6x-2=4 than we can square both sides and we have 6x-2=16 or 6x=18 and the solution set is the set that contains the number 3.

How do you solve x2 plus 6x - 2 equals 0 by completing the square?

You mean find vertex. Solving for X is another matter, using the quadratic formula here.Vertex form:X2 + 6X - 2 = 0X2 + 6X = 2Halve the linear term( 6), square it and add it to both sidesX2 + 6X + 9 = 2 + 9factor the left side and gather terms on the right(X + 3)2 = 11(X + 3)2 - 11 = 0================vertex form(- 3, - 11 )==========Vertex

What is the square root of 36x to the 4th power?

√(36x4) is written as: √((6x²)²) Then, this is evaluated to 6x².

Solve 2x² plus 12x equals -10 by completing the square?

I assume you mean the equation 2x2 + 12x - 10 = 0. Divide by 2: x2 + 6x - 5 = 0 To complete the square, the constant part (the part with no variable) must be half the linear part (1/2 of 6), squared, so in this case you add 14 to each side: x2 + 6x +9 = 14 This can be factored: (x+3)2 = 14 Now, just take the square root of each side: x + 3 = (plus-or-minus) 14 Solve the resulting two equations (one for plus, one for minus).

Method for solving quadratic equation?

completing the square.. given: x2 +6x+13=74 make into perfect square trinomeil... 1. isolate x terms x2 +6x=61 divide the coeffiecent on x term by 2, square the quotent and add to both sides x2 +6x+9=61+9 factor (x+3)2 =70 take square root of both sides x+3=plus or minus sqr(70) x=-3+sqr(70) x=-3-sqr(70)