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Since the volume of a cone is proportional to the square of the radius (look at the formula), double the radius would mean four times the volume.

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Q: What happens to the volume of a cone if the radius is double and the height is unchanged?
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What happens to the radius if the volume of a cylinder is doubled?

It depends on whether the height remains unchanged or increases in the same proportion as the radius.

How do you double the volume of a cylinder?

Double its height or increase its radius by a factor of sqrt(2) = 1.4142 (approx) or some combination of changes to he height and radius.

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The volume decreases!

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it will increase more if you double the radius because the dimensions multiply and the curved surface has less area to cover as its height decreases and width increases

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Nothing - if you double the radius you will get the diameter. The area of the circle will remain the same

Why does the volume of a clynder qaudruple when radius and height double?

If you notice the formulas you will see that the height and the radius are multiplied by 2, both of them. When you multiplied these together it will be like multiplying 2x2.

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Your diameter is double the radius. So the diameter is 6

What effect does tripling the radius and doubling the height of a cone have on the cone's volume?

the volume changes as radius squared and linear with height, so tripling radius and double of height gives 3 x 3 x 2 = 18 times more volume

What happens to the area of a circle if you double the original radius?

the area doubles. for example: the radius is 2. so the area is 4pi. then double the original radius of 2 to 4 and the area is 8pi. 8pi is double 4pi.

What happens to the circumference of a circle if you double the radius?

The circumference also doubles.

What happens to the volume of a cylinder if the radius and height are tripled?

The original volume is multiplied by 27.

What happens if double the diameter?

Nothing happens. A person sitting next to you won't know that you did anything to your circle. But you'll have a bigger circle. The radius will be double the originasl radius. The circumference will be double the original circumference. The area will be four times the original area.