1002 has 4 significant digits.
The numerator of the fraction is 1.The numerator of the fraction is 1.The numerator of the fraction is 1.The numerator of the fraction is 1.
9.67 in fraction form is 967/100 in fraction form
1/5 has no improper fraction and 2/5 has no imporper fraction
The fraction is 4/9.
As a proper fraction it is 1002/125.
8.016:=8016/1000 or 1002/125 in fraction
8.016 = 8016/1000 = 1002/125 or 82/125
1002/125= 8.016
8.016 = 8016/1000 = 1002/125
It is 10121212/1000000 which can be simplified to 2530303/250000
1/1000, 1/1001, 1/1002
1002/125 or 8 and 2/125
$1002 is $1002 when rounded to the nearest dollar. 1002 cents is $10 if rounded to the nearest dollar.
As written it is a terminating decimal 10.121212 As a fraction it is ' 10 121212/1000000 = '10 60606/1000000' = '10 30303/ 500000' Done!!! However, if 10.121212 is a repeating to infinity decimal it should be written as '10.121212... ' (Note the dots). So convert to a fraction Let P = 10.121212.... 100P = 1012.121212.... Subtract 99P = 1002 ( Note the repeating decimals subtract to zero). Hence 99P = 1002 P = 1002 / 99 P = 10 12/99 P = 10 4/33 The answer!!!!!