

What is m - 2 1 - 2m 1 simplified?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is m - 2 1 - 2m 1 simplified?
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Let the numbers be m & m+1 (consecutive) Hence their squares are m^2 & ( m + 1)^2 => m^2 & m^2 + 2m + 2 Hence Their sum is m^2 + m^2 + 2m + 1 = 85 2m^2 + 2m - 84 = 0 m^2 + m - 42 =0 Factor (m + 7)(m - 6) = 0 Hence the numbers are 6 & 7 .

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-2m + 7 = m - 2 +7 +2 = m +2m 9 = 3m 3m = 9 m = 9/3 = 3 to test: -2(3) + 7 = (3) - 2 -6 + 7 = 3 - 2 1 = 1

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The equation for n layers is S(n) = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6It is simplest to prove it by induction.When n = 1,S(1) = 1*(1+1)(2*1+1)/6 = 1*2*3/6 = 1.Thus the formula is true for n = 1.Suppose it is true for n = m. That is, for a pyramid of m levels,S(m) = m*(m+1)*(2m+1)/6Then the (m+1)th level has (m+1)*(m+1) oranges and soS(m+1) = S(m) + (m+1)*(m+1)= m*(m+1)*(2m+1)/6 + (m+1)*(m+1)= (m+1)/6*[m*(2m+1) + 6(m+1)]= (m+1)/6*[2m^2 + m + 6m + 6]= (m+1)/6*[2m^2 + 7m + 6]= (m+1)/6*(m+2)*(2m+3)= (m+1)*(m+2)*(2m+3)/6= [(m+1)]*[(m+1)+1)]*[2*(m+1)+1]/6Thus, if the formula is true for n = m, then it is true for n = m+1.Therefore, since it is true for n =1 it is true for all positive integers.

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-1/2m = -9 To solve this: Multiply by 2m: -1 = -9*2m Divide by -9: -1/-9 = 2m Divide by 2: (-1/-9)/2 = m Work it out: -1/-9 = 0.111... (the 1 is recurring) 0.111... / 2 = 0.0555... (the five is recurring) So x = 0.055... or 5/90

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There is NO single value (THE vallue) for 2m when m takes three different values.

What is m equal to if the problem is 8-2m equals 2?

8 - 2m = 2 so 6 = 2m or m = 3.