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Factorial n, written n!, is equal to the product of all integer numbers between and including 1 and n. In other words, n! = 1*2*3*4...*n

You could find all four numbers by brute force, evaluating the values of n! and counting the number of digits in each. This is tedious, but the first solution is easy: 1! = 1, which has one digit, so the criteria you established are met when n = 1. From the person who posted this: First of all, thanks for the quick answer. Second of all, I know that n can equal 1, but i need the other 3. Especially those that are under 31. 24 works.

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Q: What is one of the four numbers where factorial n has n digits?
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How many combinations of numbers can you get with 1189 with one repeating?

You can get only four combinations: They are: 11, 118, 119 and 1189. In a combination, the order of the digits does not matter.

Zero factorial equal to one factorial then if we cancel the factorials on both side then the answer becomes zero equals one. do u accepts this?

0!=1! 1=1 The factorial of 0 is 1, not 0

How many 4 number combinations are there in 1234 without repeating?

First digit can be one of four, second can be one of the remaining three etc so 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24 combinations. This is known as factorial 4 (or 4 factorial) and is symbolised as "4!".

What are all the combinations for the numbers 1204 not using the numbers more than one time?

Since the order of the numbers (digits) does not matter in a combination, there is just 1.

How many 4 digit numbers can be made out of the numbers 0-9 and what are they?

Assuming several things: Numbers can't start with zero; Repeated digits are allowed, then: First digit can be any of 9, Second digit can be any of 10, Third and fourth digits can each be any of 10; There are therefore 9 x 10 x 10 x 10 ie 9,000 possible answers, which by coincidence is the total of the numbers from 1000 to 9999. If howerver you did not intend to allow repeated digits then the first digit can be one of 9, the second also one of 9 (zero now allowable), the third can be one of 8 and the fourth one of 7, giving a total of 9 x 9 x 8 x 7 ie 4536 arrangements, some of which will contain the same four digits but in a different order eg 1234 and 1243. If you don't want this then divide by 24 and get a more manageable 189.

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No. It has four digits and each one of these is in a different place. No. It has four digits and each one of these is in a different place. No. It has four digits and each one of these is in a different place. No. It has four digits and each one of these is in a different place.

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