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It is 3*(q + p)/(r + s)

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Q: What is the answer to add q and p triple the result then divide r by s?
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What is the form of the Pythagorean triple generator?

If p and q are integers, then a = p2 - q2 b = 2pq, and c = p2 + q2 form a Pythagorean triple. Furthermore, if p and q are co-prime then the triple is primitive Pythagorean.

Solve for w 2l plus 2w equals P?

2l + 2w = P Subtract 2l from both sides: 2w = P - 2l Divide both sides by 2: w = P/2 - l

What is p and q when 2p add 4q is 16 and 7p add 12q is 52?

2p+4q=16 (now divide the equation by two) p+2q=8 (now subtract 2q) p=8-2q 7p+12q=52 (substitue the answer you got for p in the previous equation) 7(8-2q)+12q=52 (multiply the first equation by 7) 56-14q+12q=52 (subtract 14q from 12q) 56-2q=52 (subtract the 56 from 52) -2q=-4 (multiply by -1) 2q=4 (divide by 2) q=2 p=8-2q (substitute the value of q) p=8-2(2) (multiply) p=8-4 (subtract) p=4 2p+4q=16 (check your answers with the new values of p and q) 2(4)+4(2)=16 8+8=16 true 7p+12q=52 7(4)+12(2)=52 28+24=52 true

To prove cube root of 26 is irrational?

The proof is by the method of reductio ad absurdum. We start by assuming that cuberoot of 26, cbrt(26), is rational. That means that the cube root can be expressed in the form p/q where p and q are co-prime integers. That is, cbrt(26) = p/q.Therefore, p^3/q^3 = 26 which can also be expressed as 26*q^3 = p^3 Now 26 = 2*13 so 2 divides the left hand side (LHS) and therefore it must divide the right hand side (RHS). That is, 2 must divide p^3 and since 2 is a prime, 2 must divide p. That is p = 2*r for some integer r. Then substituting for p gives, 26*q^3 = (2*r)^3 = 8*r^3 Dividing both sides by 2 gives 13*q^3 = 4*r^3. But now 2 divides the RHS so it must divide the LHS. That is, 2 must divide q^3 and since 2 is a prime, 2 must divide q. But then we have 2 dividing p as well as q which contradicts the requirement that p and q are co-prime. The contradiction implies that cbrt(26) cannot be rational.

How do you calculate Areas and perimeters for Quadrilaterals?

P= Add all sides A= LxW