Two ways: Convert them to decimals and compare or convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators.
If the denominators are the same then it will have a bigger numerator or change them into decimals and then compare them.
You can compare two fractions by converting them to a common denominator - but if you need to compare several fractions, it would be easier to write each fraction as a decimal, with several digits after the decimal point, then compare the decimals. Oh Yeah And When I Have A Question No One Effen Answeres It!
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
155 is an integer not a fraction.
Two ways: Convert them to decimals and compare or convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators.
If the denominators are the same then it will have a bigger numerator or change them into decimals and then compare them.
You could convert them to like fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators or you could convert them to decimals and compare them.
For comparing numbers with decimals, first compare the integer part - in this case, 11 and 13. If these are different, there is no need to compare the decimal part.
Convert them all into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. Then compare the numerators. Or, convert them all into decimals.
You can compare two fractions by converting them to a common denominator - but if you need to compare several fractions, it would be easier to write each fraction as a decimal, with several digits after the decimal point, then compare the decimals. Oh Yeah And When I Have A Question No One Effen Answeres It!
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
155 is an integer not a fraction.
how you compare decimals and percents, is by the signs. a decimal looks like this: 0.0 and a percent looks like this: %
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.