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A triangle with side a: 40, side b: 25, and side c: 25cm has an area of 300cm2

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Q: What is the area of a triangle with a base of 40cm and 25cm sides?
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What is the area of a triangle that has base of 40 cm and height of 25 cm?

Area = 1/2 X base X height Area = 1/2 X 40cm X 25cm Area = 500 square cm

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To find the area of a regular hexagon with side length of 40cm, consider that since it is regular, then it consists of 6 equilateral triangles of side 40cm. Half of each of those triangles is a right triangle. By the pythagorean theorem, we know that if the hypotenuse is 40cm, and one side is 20cm, then the other side is the square root of (40cm squared - 20cm squared) or about 34.64cm. That makes the area of each of those 12 right triangle to be about 692.8cm, so the total area of the hexagon is about 8313.8cm.

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The answer to that easy question is 25cm

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(8x10) ÷ 2 = 40cm² (if units are cm)

How can you find the area of an isosceles triangle when the base is 40Cm and the edges 25Cm?

You would first need to determine the height of the . To do this, you would make a line in the middle of the base up to the point where the two 25cm edges meet. From your knowledge of A2+B2=C2 (where A=20 B=unkown and C=25) we now know that B2=C2-A2. So, B2= 625 - 400= 225. The square root of 225 is 15. So now we know the height (B) is 15. The area of a triangle is 1/2 * Base * Height. so we have (0.5)*40*15= 300cm2. This is the area.

How do you find an area triangle with only 2 sides?

Its not a triangle if it has only two sides.

What is the area of a square with 5cm sides?

20cm daftie!! ^No, 25cm² actually. All you do is multiply 5 by 5.

If the sides of a triangle are doubled then the area becomes?

If the sides of a triangle are doubled then the area becomes quadrupled (four times as large).

What is the area of a triangle which sides measure 68 and 10 inches?

The area of triangle is : 340.0

What is the area of a 6.3 and 7cm triangle?

Two sides of a triangle are not sufficient to determine its area.