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The equations are consistent and dependent with infinite solution if and only if a1 / a2 = b1 / b2 = c1 / c2.

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Q: What is the condition for unique solution of linear equation?
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It is impossible for a system of two linear equations to have exactly one solution. True or False?

False, think of each linear equation as the graph of the line. Then the unique solution (one solution) would be the intersection of the two lines.

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A solution to an linear equation cx + d = f is in the form x = a for some a, we call a the solution (a might not be unique). Rewrite your sentence: x = 8, 8 is unique. So how many solution does it have?

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What does a air of linear equations having a unique solution represent graphically?

Presumably the question concerned a PAIR of linear equations! The answer is two straight lines intersecting at the point whose coordinates are the unique solution.

When the equation in a linear system have different slopes then the system has what kind of solution?

It is not possible to tell. The lines could intersect, in pairs, at several different points giving no solution. A much less likely outcome is that they all intersect at a single point: the unique solution to the system.

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In linear algebra, Cramer's rule is an explicit formula for the solution of a system of linear equations with as many equations as unknowns, valid whenever the system has a unique solution.

When does a system of linear equations in two variables have a unique or one solution?

simultaneous equations

What is a unique solution in linear equations?

This is the case when there is only one set of values for each of the variables that satisfies the system of linear equations. It requires the matrix of coefficients. A to be invertible. If the system of equations is y = Ax then the unique solution is x = A-1y.

What is y equals 1x plus 6?

It is a linear equation in the two variables x and y. A single linear equation in two variables cannot be solved for a unique pair of values of x and y. The equation is that of a straight line and any point on the line satisfies the equation.

How do you know when an equation has a unique solution?

You know when an equation has a unique solution when there is only one variable in it. (APOLOGIES)(RESPONSE: the question was categorized under "Linear Algebra". x^2 is non-linear and is thus not allowed, nor are sin x, x^3, log x, 2^x, etc etc. However, you are correct if you consider non-linear equations. Unfortunately, I am not sure there is a method to determine the number of solutions to non-linear equation.)If there are more than one variable, each variable over the first will be free, and give you infinite solutions - with each additional variable adding another dimension to your solution.(RESPONSE: See above response with regards to this topic being categorized under "Linear Algebra". My statement is true in Linear Algebra. Furthermore, Row Reduced Echelon Form and augmented matrices are the most fundamental concepts in Linear Algebra. Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you. However, this question was categorized under "Linear Algebra", so I presumed that the person asking the question is a college student.)In general, you know that a system of equations has a unique solution when the row reduced echelon form of the augmented matrix has a pivot position in every column, except for the right most column which is the solution. If you do not have an augmented matrix, then the RREF will have a pivot position in every column.

Which type of solution in equation 3x plus 4y equals 12 is this unique solution?

No. The equation describes a straight line and the coordinates of any one of the infinitely many points on the line is a solution.