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The volume increases to 9 times as much.

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Q: What is the effect on the volume of a right cylinder if its radius is tripled?
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What happens to the volume of a cylinder if the radius and height are tripled?

The original volume is multiplied by 27.

How does the volume change if the radius is tripled?

It depends on the shape. The volume of a sphere will increase differently to the volume of a cylinder, for example.

What will happen to a spheres volume if the radius is tripled?

The volume increases 27-fold.

What dimension needs to be more precise in calculating the volume of a cylinder?

An error in measuring the radius (or diameter) of the cylinder has a greater effect on the accuracy of the volume calculation than an error in measuring the cylinder's length, since the volume is proportional to the square of the radius.

How does the volume of a cone change if the radius is tripled?

it looks like a circle.

The volume of a circular cylinder varies directly with the height of the cylinder and with the square of the cylinder's radius If the height is halved and the radius is doubled then the volume will be?

The volume of a circular cylinder varies directly with the height of the cylinder and with the square of the cylinder's radius If the height is halved and the radius is doubled then the volume will be increased.

How does the volume of a cone change if its radius and height are both tripled?

The volume of a cone is pi(r2h)/3 If the radius and height are both tripled, plugging this into the equation gives us pi(3h(3r)2)/3 =pi(3h9r2)/3 =27pi(r2h)/3 which is 27 times the initial volume. Thus if the radius and height of a cone are tripled, the volume multiplies by 27.

What happens to the volume of a cylinder if the dimensions are tripled?

The volume goes up by 9 times

What is the volume of a cylinder with a radius of 3.5 and the volume of 5?

If the volume of the cylinder is 5, then its volume is 5 and its radius doesn't matter.

What effects the cylinder more doubling the radius or doubling the height?

They both have the same effect on the surface area of the pipe, but the radius has more effect on its volume/capacity.

What is volume cylinder of radius 4cm and height 2cm?

A cylinder with a radius of 4cm and a height of 2cm has a volume of 100.53cm3

What is the volume of a cylinder that has a radius of 3cm and a height of 7cm?

The volume of a cylinder that has a radius of 3cm and a height of 7cm is 197.92cm3