to multiply fractions add them together and reduce the final fraction. to multiply mixed numbers, first make the mixed number an improper fraction, by mulitplying the whole number and the denominator and adding the answer to the numerator. Example: The improper fraction 8/5 can be changed to the mixed number 1 3/5 by dividing the numerator (8) by the denominator (5). This gives a quotient of 1 and a remainder of 3. The remainder is placed over the divisor (5).
% cannot be a reminder if the divisor is 5, so the question is based on an error.
The largest possible number for a remainder is 1 less than the number of the divisor, so it is 5.
you can do divide 83 and 5 and that will be your biggest remainder.
Yes, provided the divisor is greater than 5.
It is not possible to answer this since the divisor is unknown.
The divisor is 9. quotient x divisor + remainder = dividend ⇒ quotient x divisor = dividend - remainder ⇒ divisor = (dividend - remainder) ÷ quotient = (53 - 8) ÷ 5 = 45 ÷ 5 = 9
5. The remainder will never be more than the divisor.
If it is divided by a fraction or a decimal. Like 1/5 or .986