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Q: What is the length of line AC given that line BD is perpendicular to AC?
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When given the formula ac-d what is c?

ac - d is an expression: it is NOT a formula.

Are the medians of a triangle equidistant from each vertex?

Every triangle has three medians, just like it has three altitudes, angle bisectors, and perpendicular bisectors. The medians of a triangle are the segments drawn from the vertices to the midpoints of the opposite sides. The point of intersection of all three medians is called the centroid of the triangle. The centroid of a triangle is twice as far from a given vertex than it is from the midpoint to which the median from that vertex goes. For example, if a median is drawn from vertex A to midpoint M through centroid C, the length of AC is twice the length of CM. The centroid is 2/3 of the way from a given vertex to the opposite midpoint. The centroid is always on the interior of the triangle.

In line segment Ac is perpendicular to line segment CB and the measurement of angle CBD equals 125 degrees the the measurement of angle A equals?

The problem is meaningless without a diagram but I am guessing that ABC make a triangle and D is on the extension of AB beyond B. In that case we use the exterior angle theorem to get CBD = C + A, so 125 = 90 + A and A = 35.

How do you make a triangle with an area of 24?

Draw a straight line AB of any length x. Draw another line, parallel to AB and at a distance of 2*24/x units from it. Select any point on the second line and call that point C. Join AC and BC. Then triangle ABC will have an area of 24 square units.

Segment ab is represented by m segment bc is represented by n find the length of line segment ac when b is located between a and c?

Since B is located between A and C, you can just add the two lengths together, so AC = m + n.your segment looks like this:A----B----Cwhere AB=m, BC=n, and AC=m+n

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11 abc is an equilateral triangle with side length equal to 50 cm bh is perpendicular to ac mn is parallel to ac find the area of triangle bmn if the length of mn is equal to 12 cm?

ABC is an equilateral triangle with side length equal to 50 cm. BH is perpendicular to AC. MN is parallel to AC. Find the area of triangle BMN if the length of MN is equal to 12 cm.

ABC is an equilateral triangle with side length equal to 50 cm. BH is perpendicular to AC. MN is parallel to AC. Find the area of triangle BMN if the length of MN is equal to 12 cm?

ABC is an equilateral triangle with side length equal to 50 cm. BH is perpendicular to AC. MN is parallel to AC. Find the area of triangle BMN if the length of MN is equal to 12 cm.

OC Is perpendicular to AB. What is the length of?

is perpendicular to . What is the length of ? A. 12.9 units B. 4.3 units C. 2.15 units D. 8.6 units

Ac and dc load line of BJT-explain?

when the dc supply given, dc load line lies in the Ic and Vcc. when the AC supply given, AC load line lies in the Ic and Vcc.

If perpendicular length is 3 and base is 4 then what is the length of hypotenuse of the triangle?

Let AB = 3 BC = 4 AC = ? AC2 = AB2 + BC2 AC2 = 32 + 42 AC2 = 25 AC = 5

In the given right triangle find the length of the hypotenuse AB if BC 6 and AC 5.?

The length is sqrt(61) units.

How many circles can pass through two given points?

It takes 3 non collinear points to define one specific circle. With only two points an infinite number of circles can be drawn. Proof: Given two points A, B draw the line between them. Then find the perpendicular bisector of the line AB. Any point on the perpendicular bisector is equidistant from the two original points, A and B. A circle with center C and radius AC will then pass through points A and B. There are infinite point C's on the perpendicular bisector so there are infinite circles. Given three points A, B and D you can find the perpendicular bisector for line segements AB and then the perpendicular bisector fof line segment BC. The two perpedicular bisectors will not be parallel because the points A, B and D are non collinear. This means the two perpeniducar bisectors will intercept at only one point C(like any two intercepting lines). This point C is equidistant from points A, B, and D. A circle with center C and radius AC will then pass through all three of the points. Since there is only one point C that lies on both perpendicular bisectors, there is only one circle possible.

How do you draw a line segment of root 12cm?

It is easiest to draw it using two right angled triangles.Draw a line AB that is 2 units long. From B, draw BC which is perpendicular to AB and 2 units long. Join AC. From C, draw CD which is perpendicular to AC (clockwise if BC is clockwise from AB, or anticlockwise if BC is anticlockwise) and make CD 2 uinits long. Then AD is a line segment which is sqrt(12) units long.

Are the diagonals of a square are never perpendicular?

The diagonals of a square are always perpendicular. Proof: Without loss of generality, assume the square has side length 1 and one vertex is at the origin. The square ABCD is given by: A = (0,0) , B = (1,0) , C = (1,1) , D = (0,1) The diagonals are d1=AC and d2=BD. Finding equations for each of them yields d1 = x d2 = 1-x (you can double check this) So, the relative slopes are 1 and -1. Since their product is -1, they are perpendicular.

What would a triangle look like if ab plus ac equals bc?

It would be a straight line of length bc

How can you construct an isosceles triangle if only given the base and the vertical angle and the base angles can not be used for construction?

The answer depends on the level of your knowledge. Suppose the base is of length b and the vertical angle is x degrees. Draw the base, AC, and its perpendicular bisector. Calculate h = b/[2*tan(x/2)]. That is the height of the triangle so mark this point, B, on the perpendicular bisector. Draw AB and BC. Done!

In triangle abc given that angle a equals 57 angle b equals 73 and ab equals 24cm find the length of ac?

The sum of the angles inside a triangle is equal to 180°. We are told that angle a is 57°, and that angle b is 73°. This tells us that angle c is is (180 - 57 - 73)°, or 50°. We are also given the length of side ab, 25cm. With that, we can use the sine rule to calculate the length of side ac: sin(b) / |ac| = sin(c) / |ab| ∴ sin(73°) / |ac| = sin(50°) / 24cm ∴ |ac| = 24cm · sin(73°) / sin(50°) ∴ |ac| ≈ 29.96cm