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The discriminant.

b^2 - 4ac

answer > 1; two real roots

answer = 1 one real root

answer < 1 no real roots

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Q: What part of a quadratic formula determines the number of x- intercepts?
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In the case of a quadratic function what is the number of x and y intercepts the function may have?

The greatest possible number of intercepts is: 2 of one axis and 1 of the other axis.The smallest possible number of intercepts is: One of each axis.

How do you find x intercepts in a quadratic function?

The quadratic (parabola) intercepts the x-axis when y = 0. So substitute y=0 into y = f(x). Then you can solve for the x-values by any number of ways: Factoring, completing the square, or Quadratic Formula. It may turn out that the values of x which satisfies y=0 are complex {have an imaginary component}, which will tell you that the parabola does not have an x-intercept.

What is the difference between quadratic formula and quadratic equation?

There are an infinite number of different quadratic equations. The quadratic formula is a single formula that can be used to find the pair of solutions to every quadratic equation.

Why does the discriminant determine the number and type of the solutions for a quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is wholly defined by its coefficients. The solutions or roots of the quadratic can, therefore, be determined by a function of these coefficients - and this function called the quadratic formula. Within this function, there is one part that specifically determines the number and types of solutions it is therefore called the discriminant: it discriminates between the different types of solutions.

In quadratic equations what determines the width of the parabola?

the first number out in front you pig

How do you find the answer to a quadratic equation from the quadratic formula?

Plug 'a', 'b', and 'c' from the equation into the formula. When you do that, the formula becomes a pair of numbers ... one number when you pick the 'plus' sign, and another number when you pick the 'minus' sign. Those two numbers are the 'solutions' to the quadratic equation you started with.

The is the name of the number under the radical symbol in the quadratic formula?


What is the name of the number under the radical symbol in the quadratic formula?

The discriminant

How do you solve a quadratic equation?

There are many ways to solve a quadratic equation, but the quadratic formula works for all equations and is very quick. The formula isx= -b +/- the square root of (b^2 - 4ac)_________________________________2aTo find a,b, and c refer to the layout of a quadratic equation:ax2 + bx +cNew Answer (from Nghi1350).If the given quadratic equation can be factored, you can solve it faster by using the factoring "ac method" (You Tube) or by the new Diagonal Sum method (Amazon e-book 2010).Otherwise, use the quadratic formula. There is an improved quadratic formula that is easier to remember presented in the above mentioned book. This formula is called the "Quadratic formula in graphic form", since it relates the real roots to the x-intercepts of the parabola graph of the quadratic function.The 2 real roots are given by this formula:x1 = - b/2a + d/2a ; and x2 = -b/2a - d/2a. (1)The quantity (-b/2a) represents the x-coordinate of the symmetry axis of the parabola.The 2 quantities (d/2a) and (-d/2a) represent the 2 distances from this axis to the two x-intercepts of the parabola.The quantity (d) can be zero, a number, or imaginary.- If d = 0; there is double root at x = -b/2a- If d is a number (real or radical): there are 2 real roots.- If d is imaginary: There are no real roots.The quantity (d) is given by the relation (2), obtained by writing that the product of the 2 real roots is equal to (c/a):[(-b - d)/2a][-b + d)/2a] = c/ab^2 - d^2 = 4acd^2 = b^2 - 4ac (2)To solve a quadratic equation, first find d by the relation (2) then find the real roots by the formula (1).This new improved quadratic formula is easier to remember since you can relate it to the x-intercepts of the parabola graph. In addition, the quantity (d/2a) makes more sense about distance than the classical quantity "square root of b^2 - 4ac".

What is the used to determine the number of each atom in an ionic formula?

Oxidation state is what determines the number of each atom. This is in the ionic formula.

What is the greatest number of y-intercepts a line can have?

There is no limit to the number of y-intercepts a line can have. The axis itself is a line and it intercepts itself an infinite number of times.

What word in algebra is used to determine the number of x-intercepts a quadratic has?

These are the real ROOTS of the quadratic equation when it equals zero. Example : x2- 7x + 10 = 0 can be written as (x - 5)(x - 2) = 0 Then x = 5 and x = 2 are the roots of this equation.