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The origins of algebra can be traced back to ancient mathmatics roughly 4 thousand years ago!

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Q: When was algebra first used?
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Who first used algebra?

There were no Muslims around 4000 years ago when the Babylonians began using what we now call algebra.

Who created algebra?

Al Khwarizmi is said to be the founder of Algebra, since he first used it.that why we use it now

In 1557 who first used in the first algebra book written in English?

ben john

Who was the first person to use algebra?

Algebra was first used in 1800 BC. There is evidence of the solution for quadratic elliptic equations in the Strasburg Tablet from Old Babylon.

What year was algebra first used?

it has been use since 200bc

What come first elementary algebra or pre algebra?

Elementary algebra

Who invented the division sign and when?

It was first used in a algebra book called "Teutshe algebra" in 1659. The author was a man named Johann Rahn.

What class is best to take first geometry or algebra?

Algebra. I took it in that order, and to do most of the geometry, you HAVE to know algebra. If I had taken geometry first, I would have failed. ALGEBRA FIRST.

History of the radical in algebra?

Radicals were first used in 1525 in Die Cross. They were first used by Christoff Rudolff, who was a German mathematician.

Who is the German that invented the division sign?

It was first used in a algebra book called " Teutshe algebra" in 1659. The author was a man named Johann Rahn.

What major event occured during the creation of algebra?

The word 'Algebra' is Arabic in origin, as 'A; Jebr', and means 'The Union of broken parts. The roots of algebra can be tracted back to Babylon approximatelt 1700 BC. Modern algebra was first used in the 16th Century,

How is the Fundamental theorem of algebra used today?

Algebra is used for mathematics