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Im not sure I will ask my Math teacher tomorrow and answer you when I can! I have a question for you what grade are you in right know learning about this?

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Q: Why is m used instead of s for graphing slopes?
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How can you tell which equation has the steepest slope?

if you know the slope of two epuations, (if the equations are in slope intercept form (y=mx+b, y is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable, m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept) the line represented by the line with the larger slope (|m|) has the steeper slope. If the lines have the same m, the slopes are either equal or negative. If the slope of either line is undefined, it is steeper than any slope other than one that is undefined, in wich the slopes are equal

Determine whether the graphs of the equations are parallelperpendicular or neither?

Base on the slope of two linear equations (form: y = mx+b, where slope is m): - If slopes are equal, the 2 graphs are parallel - If the product of two slopes equals to -1, the 2 graphs are perpendicular. If none of the above, then the 2 graphs are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

Without graphing how can you tell which slope is steeper?

For a positive number, as the slope(y=mx+b where m is the slope) gets greater in value, the line gets steeper when plotted on a graph. For a negative number, as the slope(y=mx+b where m is the slope) gets greater in value, the line gets less steep when plotted on a graph.

Explain what is the relationship between the equations of perpendicular lines?

The relationship between perpendicular lines lies in there slopes. The slope of one line is the opposite reciprocal of the other. Written mathematically, the lines y=m*x +b and y =(-1/m)*x +c are perpendicular lines (note the y-intercepts do not need to be equal or even related to each other).

Is m the only letter used to represent slope?

no abxgvgtdccrg

Related questions

If two lines are perpendicular what is the product of their respective slopes equal to?

The sum of their slopes is 0. The product of two lines that are perpendicular with slopes m and -m i= -m^2 Hmmmm... Seems we're both wrong again. The answer is -1. See the link I attached.

What kind of slopes do perpendicular slopes have?

Negative reciprocals. That is, if one line has slope m (m ≠ 0), then the perpendicular to it has slope -1/m. If m = 0, the slope of the perpendicular is not defined - the line is of the form x = k.

Why is slopes called m?

It comes from the initial letter of MODULUS.

What do the letters on a calculator mean?

I assume you mean graphing calculators. They are variables that you can store numbers to, like if you need to use it later on in a math problem. But they can't be used to figure out algebra equations. Say you have the equation n+1=2 and n+m=4. You would figure out the value of n, which is 1, and you could either remember it or store it to variable n. Then you could use the variable n in figuring out m instead of putting in 1. (4-n=m instead of 4-1=m)

What does b m stand for?

It means the Y and X intercept for a graphing equations if that's what your asking

Do you put a period after m for meters?

No. It is not necessary to put a period/fullstop after the m, because the letter is not used as an abbreviation. Instead, the letter m is a symbol used to represent the unit "metres."

What are the slopes of the hyperbola's asymptotes?

If a hyperbola is vertical, the asymptotes have a slope of m = +- a/b. If a hyperbola is horizontal, the asymptotes have a slope of m = +- b/a.

Graphing linear equation using the slope and y-intercept of the line?

The y-intercept, together with the slope of the line, can also be used in graphing linear equations. The slope and y-intercept of a line can be obtained easily by inspection if the equeation of the line is of the form y=mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

If two lines are perpendicular what is the respective slopes equal to?

Given any line L, with slope m, the perpendicular line has slope -m.

If you use 0.20 M KI instead of 0.10 M KI how would this affect a the slopes of your curves b the rate of the reactions and c the numerical value of k for the reaction?

Without knowing what the actual reaction is, there is no way to tell what effect increasing the concentration of KI will have. The reaction could have a rate limiting step.

When you graph a line using slope intercept form do you start by graphing m or b first?

Start with b. To do this, plot the point (0, b). "Begin with B and Move with M!"

Which formula is correct for the slopes of perpendicular lines?

if slope is given as m then perpendicular slope is -1/m (negative inverse)