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Q: Write an exponential function and graph the function?
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How does the graph of an exponential function differ from the graph of a linear function and how is the rate of change different?

The graph of a linear function is a line with a constant slope. The graph of an exponential function is a curve with a non-constant slope. The slope of a given curve at a specified point is the derivative evaluated at that point.

What does an exponential graph and logistic graph of growth look like?

Yuo cannot include a graphical illustration here. Take a look at the Wikipedia, under "exponential function" and "logistic function". Basically, the exponential function increases faster and faster over time. The logistics function initially increases similarly to an exponential function, but then eventually flattens out, tending toward a horizontal asymptote.

The horizontal asymptote for exponential function is?

The graph of an exponential function f(x) = bx approaches, but does not cross the x-axis. The x-axis is a horizontal asymptote.

Which graph best represents a logarithmic function?

an exponential function flipped over the line y=x

Which best describes the graph of the function f(x) 4(1.5)x?

It is an exponential function.

What happens to the graph of an exponential function if b is a function between 0 and 1?

This question appears to relate to some problem for which we have no information. The graph of an exponential function shows a doubling at regular intervals. But we are not told what the role is of b, so we cannot comment further.

Graph Inverse function of the exponential function?

An exponential function is of the form y = a^x, where a is a constant. The inverse of this is x = a^y --> y = ln(x)/ln(a), where ln() means the natural log.

What are some characteristics of the graph of an exponential function?

An exponential function is a nonlinear function in the form y=ab^x, where a isn't equal to zero. In a table, consecutive output values have a common ratio. a is the y-intercept of the exponential function and b is the rate of growth/decay.

The value of the determines whether the graph of an exponential function increases or decreases from left to right?


Is a graph that consists of a single point the graph of a function and can you write the equation of such a function?

MATH 1003?

A function takes the exponential function's output and returns the exponential function's input?

A __________ function takes the exponential function's output and returns the exponential function's input.

How do you Write a exponential function using the given points (-324)(-212)?
