86400 seconds in a day 60 seconds in a minute 604800 seconds in a week 2628000 seconds in a month 31622400 seconds in a year
60 seconds * 6 0minutes*24 hours*29 days = 2,505,600.... According to my calculations
there is 604,800 seconds in 7 days.
365.242375 days have 31556941.2 seconds.
A pi equals 3.1415326535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923
None, the Number Pi is nothing to do with seconds (time).
There are, roughly, pi times 10 million seconds in a year (the actual number is 31,556,926, but "pi times 10 million" is close and easier to remember). So just multiply that by that large number of years, and there's your answer. So 1,000,000,000 years equals 3.1556926 × 1016 seconds.
No. There are roughly pi * 10 million seconds in a year, which is around 30 times more than the number of microseconds in a second.
There are about 31.5 million seconds in a year.
1 year = 31,556,926 seconds
there are 365 seconds in a year. START COUNTING!!!!!
1 year = 31,556,000 seconds (rounded)
31536000 seconds for a common year and 31622400 seconds for a leap year
31536000 seconds, 31622400 in a leap year.
There are 3 years, 51 days, 16 hours, 19 minutes, and 12 seconds in pi years.
63072000 seconds for a regular year, but 63244800 seconds in a leap year.
One year is equivalent to approximately 31,536,000 seconds.