Negative numbers can be whole but not all are. -3.1 is not a whole number but -3 is. Generally it's a whole number if it does not have a decimal and is not a fraction.
a ya u a say
IMPROVEMENT:Negative numbers cannot be whole numbers , not at al .
Whole numbers are those numbers that stasrt from 0(zero) and go upto infinity.They include all the positive numbers and not negative numbers.And yes they dont contain any decimal or fraction.
No, whole numbers are defined as non-negative integers.
Yes, EXCEPT for the number 0. It is a whole number but is not positive or negative. Real Numbers - Everything I. Rational Numbers- Any number except for non terminating decimals A. Integers- Any negative or positive number...not a decimal1. Whole Numbers- Any positive integer INCLUDING ZEROa. Natural Numbers- Any positive integer (NOT INCLUDING ZERO) The answer is not entirely correct, Whole numbers are numbers without a fractional part or decimal point. Therefore whole numbers can be negative as well as positive. -2 is a whole number but is not positive. There are a number of different interpretations for whole numbers, from non-negative integers, positive integers and all integers (which includes negative integers)
'0' is the only whole number that is not a counting number. Negative integers do not belong to whole numbers.
Yes it is, as negative and positive whole numbers are integers.
Yes, Integers are positive and Negative Whole Numbers.
No. Whole numbers are counting numbers and zero.
6 is a whole number -47.03 is a negative number -179 is a negative whole number
No, whole numbers are defined as non-negative integers.
No. You can subtract two whole numbers and get a negative result. Whole numbers can't be negative.
Whole numbers are RATIONAL. That includes negative whole numbers.
Different whole numbers are always whole numbers, but I suspect you meant to ask about the difference between whole numbers. You can subtract two whole numbers and get a negative result. Whole numbers can't be negative.
Yes. ...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3... are all whole numbers. Whole numbers are any numbers that aren't a fraction and that includes negative numbers.
Actually the set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers since the whole numbers include negative whole numbers and zero.
When the whole numbers are negative.
No. Negative whole numbers are not natural numbers.
No. Negative integers are whole numbers but not natural.