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Yes, it can.

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Q: Can a number be both whole and positive?
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What is positive whole number?

A positive number is one above zero, and a whole number is just that - whole - with no decimals or fractions and can be either positive or negative. An example of a positive whole number is 1, 2, 3, etc.

1 is part of whole number natural nubmer?

A whole number is one without a decimal or fraction, and a natural number is any positive integer, so this is both a whole number and an integer.

If a number is positive is it a whole number?

No, the vast majority of positive numbers are not whole numbers.

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What is a positive whole number?

A positive whole number is any number above 0. Ex. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, ect.

Are integers positive numbers?

No. you could have, for example, -4 or 4 (or any other minus or positive number). Both are integers.

What square numbers are even and which square numbers are odd?

The square of every positive or negative even whole number is a positive even whole number. The square of every positive or negative odd whole number is a positive odd whole number. There are an infinite number of each kind.

What is a whole positive or negative number?

A whole positive or negative number is an integer which has no decimals or fractions.

What are all the multiple of 17?

17 * X where x is any whole number (both positive and negative)