No. The empty set has cardinal number 0. {ø } has cardinal number 1.
The cardinal number is 9
50 is a cardinal number. The ordinal form of 50 is 50th or fiftieth.
It can be.A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. So 365 is a decimal number and it is a cardinal number representing the number of days in an ordinary year.
No, it is cardinal.
No. The empty set has cardinal number 0. {ø } has cardinal number 1.
The main cardinal number for 7 is 7, but 1 is also a cardinal number for 7 in this case.
Texas was the 28th state.
Cardinal. 5th would the be corresponding ordinal number.A cardinal number.
The cardinal number is 9
'Fifth' is the ordinal number of the cardinal number 5.
It is n^30 where n is the cardinal number.
7 is cardinal. '7th' is the ordinal form of 7.
The number 5 is cardinal. The ordinal form would be 5th
28 is a triangle number. The 28th triangle number is 406.
116 is already a cardinal number - perhaps you are looking for the ordinal number, which is one hundred and sixteenth.