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The natural numbers (â„•) are defined in 2 ways:

  1. the counting numbers {1, 2, 3, ...};
  2. The counting numbers and zero, ie {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}
Some definitions include zero, others do not. Either way, negative numbers are NOT included.

The set of Integers (ℤ) is the counting numbers, their negatives and zero, ie {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}

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Q: Do natural numbers contain negatives
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How are the integers and natural numbers different?

Natural numbers do not include negatives. Integers do.

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Is 4.8 a natural number?

No - whole numbers only, no negatives, no fractions

Is -9 a natural number?

9 is a natural number, as is any whole number greater than zero.

Do set of natural numbers contain sets of whole numbers?

No. Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. Negative numbers are whole numbers but not natural.

Which subset of the real number does not contain natural numbers?

Irrational numbers.

What proportion of the first 10000 natural numbers contain a 5?

271 of the first 1000 natural numbers contain at least one digit 5. That is 27.1 % of them.

Are negative numbers natural numbers?

No. Natural numbers may or may not include 0, depending on who you ask (i.e. they can begin 0, 1, 2, 3, … or 1, 2, 3, 4, …), but they don't ever include the negative numbers. However, integers, which are a superset of the natural numbers (i.e. the natural numbers are contained "in" the integers), do include negatives.

Explain why negative 5.0 is an integer?

The integers are all the natural numbers and their negatives and zero. So 5 is a natural number and negative 5 is its negative. That makes it an integer.

Is 1.68 natural or whole?

No. 1.68 is not a natural number or a whole number. "Natural" numbers are the counting numbers . . . one, two, three, four . . . 1.68 is not one of them. "Whole" numbers are the integers . . . the natural numbers, their negatives, and zero. 1.68 isn't one of those either. About all you can say for 1.68 is that it's positive, it's mixed, and it's rational.

The only difference between the set of natural numbers and the set of whole numbers is the number zero?

If N is the set of natural numbers, and the set of whole numbers (integers) is Z, you should be aware that Z also includes negatives and zero, whereas N does not include either of these.

Is the square root of 3 a natural number?

Natural numbers must not contain negative numbers or fractions. Therefore, the square root of 3 = 1.73205080757 is not a natural number