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≥, though >= may be used as well.

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Q: Greater than or equal to sign?
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Related questions

What is the greater than equal to sign?

The greater than or equal to sign is "≥".

What is the sign for greater than or equal too?

Greater than >Less than written on top of =.

What is the sign for greater than or equal to?

greater than is

What are the critical features of an inequality?

An inequality must have a greater than sign (>) OR a less than sign (<) OR a greater than or equal to sign (≥) OR a less than or equal to sign (≤).

What is the inequality sign for at least?

The sign is "greater than or equal to" or ≥

Which sign is greater than less than and equal?

If ' A ' and ' B ' are equal . . . A =BIf ' A ' is greater . . . A > BIf ' A ' is smaller . . . A

What is the opposite of less than equal sign?

The opposite of less than or equal to is greater than or equal.And also:The opposite of greater than or equal to is less than or equal.

What is the mathematical symbol for not less than?

If a is not less than b then a is greater than or equal to b. The symbol for "greater than or equal to " is > with a bar under it -- a combination of the equal sign (=) and the greater than sign (>). In many computer languages you can use >= with no space between for this relation.

Is xl7.6x7.0 an inequality?

No. To be an inequality, it must somewhere have a greater than, less than, greater-or-equal, or less-or-equal sign.

X is at least 2?

X is greater than or equal to 2. The symbol for "greater than or equal to" is a "greater than" sign over a horizontal dash.

What is typed to represent the words Greater Than or Equal To?

Usually the symbol ≥ is used to represent the words "greater than or equal to." ____ The greater than symbol is > and the equal to sign is =. The less than symbol is <.

How do you make a greater than equal to sign on a laptop?
